Monday, July 15, 2013

When away from the Real Estate World . . . . . Live the life you Love!

The journey starts early everyday.  So much to see, smell and conversations to be had when biking around the vinyards.
The "Wine Country"  being a culture and pace unto itself, one has to shift gears, relax,  appreciate the subtleties and just cruise through the region with no expectations.

As I stopped and chatted with winemakers and vinyardists along the country roads and while  intruding on their dirt paths as they enchanted me in, I discovered growing techniques I had never heard of, that have been developed and used for generations.

 Names of old vines that are 100+ years old, this is Atlas, that produce scant grapes but the richest, deepest flavors sought after by oenologists.

 Cooling off in Adirondack  chairs made from old wine barrels, looking over an incredible field of Lavendar while my friends - the Bees - diligently work away.  One realizes, this is what is real and this natural system is what should be important to all of humanity.  Caring for what God created and the incredible dynamic system that the planet has been operating under since the beginning of time.
 The neat, orderly rows that have been developed to harness the abundance of the land, the vines, the sun.  It smells heavenly here.
and more rows . . . .
Take the time, enjoy the gifts!
Marlene Henderson, Owner/Broker
MoeBEST-Henderson Properties and
Property Managment