Friday, March 23, 2012

Invest in YOUR Future Don't Let others decide

I keep reading so much of the what’s, whys and who dunits of this Real Estate bubble burst, economy melt down, global financial crackup. All a lot of lip service, pontificating and finger pointing. Amazing! And by the ones that created it, run governments (ours mostly) and dictate policy and legislation that still perpetuate the problems.

The latest that I have been reading about since Aug. 2011 is the proposition to now take all the REO-Bankowned-Forclosed homes and turn them into RENTALS!! This to either be done through another Gov. run Program/Agency, more bureaucrats or incentivizing INVESTORS (hand picked???) to purchase these properties for use as RENTALS. This again would be more tax dollars spent, to disallow the free market to work, all at tax payer expense.

So the cycle will never end.

The debt grows higher, we have families that will always be renters, never invest in a home of their own and all continue to be taxed to the point of just treading water. All the while these politicians, unelected bureaucrats and so called experts collect whopping salaries, benefits and retirement packages that are catapulting our economy and country into the abyss of financial ruin.

With this abundance of properties available and the interest rates at all time lows,  don't wait, till it's too late! 

Make your move now!  It is cheaper to buy than to rent!

Call me  Marlene 831-429-9091   
I'd love to help you find your home. 

Look for so many possibilities on my website.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Latest News on Real Estate Lending

The Latest News on Real Estate Lending

Just finished attending the  Latest Real Estate Lending panel by our local, Monterey Bay Area, Real Estate Lenders that have been in the Mortgage business collectively for decades.  These Real Estate Lenders take their business seriously and have weathered the storm of the Real Estate collapse because  of their hard work, honesty, diligence in providing the best information and service in this constantly changing business.

With so much at steak with individuals/families, these professionals know how every increment of cost effects budgets and the quality of life.  Professional Real Estate Lenders, keeping up on the latest news on real estate lending is a way of life.
For example do you know who the best lender source is?
Do you know what the bond markets are doing?  Do you know how the bond markets effect the interest rate?  Are you keeping track of what Washington is doing and when the next hidden tax will hit you?

The basic thrust of their comments is that the market is improving locally, multiple offers on well priced properties, the interest rates and fees charged for either a purchase or “re-fi” are the best right now since there is legislation on the books and in the works to cause a ‘Change’ coming as the year progress and into 2014.

For a list of the Best Real Estate Lenders, just call me, I would be very pleased to refer any of them.  For any of your Real Estate needs and for the latest news on Real Estate I am just a phone call away.

Marlene Henderson, Broker/Owner

MoeBEST-Henderson Properties and Property Management

When only the  BEST will do . . . . . .

MoeBEST-Henderson  Properties and Property Management

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rental Program by the Govm't?

Just remember anytime the government gets involved with private enterprise it skews the natural balance/energy of the markets. Look what happened when the Glas/Speigle Act was repealed in 1999! This opened the flood gates to derivitives and Voila the banking debacle that has resounded for 10 years --- so far. Let the natural market of investors and buyers absorb this wrecked housing market. Limit the monies that have been given to the banks to only be used to actual real estate purchasers NOT for their investment portfolios. Sadly there was no oversite nor accountability designed when the BILLIONS where handed out - Amazing! You don't cure a cold by inducing pneumonia. I whole heartedly agree with NAR.