Monday, January 23, 2012

The Altruistic approach to Real Estate

Well, here we have the latest and greatest vehicle by the administration to get some troubled assets or just some derelict properties cleaned up.  Know of any idle millionaires with spare change laying about?  A few slum lords that need a $ boost to spur things along?  or just your average 'Joe' or "Josie"  that would like to improve the community!  This is all about revitalizing communities and giving dying areas a second chance.
This could be another paperwork nightmare with more bureaucrats with new jobs they don't know how to do or it could be a 'Golden Opportunity' for some truly altruistic types.  I would really like to help the latter.
Since selling Real Estate is my passion, Call me.  There are truly TONS of properties available and with the "Just introduced Gov't program" rolled out, there's no time to waste.  I can lead you to all kinds of locations with a truly needy appeal and the market is ripe for the picking.
Make this YOUR year to make a difference and invest in improving something bigger than yourself.

Monday, January 16, 2012

It's almost FREE money

The rates are AT ALL TIME LOWS,  prices of Real Estate  are what they were in the mid 90's, the selection is fantastic so . . . .   WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR????
This week we will hear all the results of what studies have been worked on the numbers of the last half of last year.  Predictions will be aired, prognostications ventured upon and a good ol rousing Ra, Ra, Ra  for this upcoming year.

Well my advice is, if you have been waiting it's time to jump in!!!  Don't just pay attention to the prices, it's those interest rates that are the real make or break component.  Lock into a below 4% 'er and you will see how you are now paying less than if you were renting and IT'S YOURS.  You can do what you want and not have to ask permission --- Home Ownership.  Looking for that special place is as easy as clicking right here.

I'd love to get you all the info you need, to find the home of your dreams!

Marlene Henderson, Broker/Owner
MoeBEST-Henderson Properties and
Property Management

831-429-9091  Office
831-419-9091  Cell
775-588-3325  Nevada Office