Monday, November 7, 2011

Invigorate the Engine of Our Economy - Jobs

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Jobs = Home Buying = Economic Recovery
Without the housing industry, we have no economic recovery!

Unless you have inherited a bundle, won the lottery or are on a Gov. pension, the simple dynamic is, a person needs to be able to afford what she/he wants to have.
This means solid, dependable, private employment of our population.
There is constant dialog on 'Economic Growth' but it all has no meaning if YOU are hurting!
Creating, supporting, encouraging and promoting independent private entrepreneurial endeavors is the key!
The Housing Industry relates to most every aspect of our Economy. There are many, many industries that are supported by it. Construction workers, Const. Co's., engineers, heavy equip., raw materials, building materials, appliances, trucking, property taxes, City/State/County services, architects, banking, title Co's, ME, etc., etc..
When the housing market is in a slump, so many other parts of our economy dry up.
Support local private businesses and industry.
Shop local and promote those businesses that have proven track records.
Network amongst complimentary businesses and join Business Groups.
A local Santa Cruz group to engage in is Business Professionals of Santa Cruz County