Why not be Remarkable?
Got these words of wisdom from someone a while ago and feel compelled to pass them on. We can never stop working on making us better to make the world a better place!
33 Ways To Be Remarkable and Stand Out
Live Your Own Life
There is nothing remarkable about someone who is constantly trying to be like other people. Be yourself and be the best you that you can possibly be.
Be Authentic
Mean the things you say and do. Authenticity is not very common these days but when it is there, it shines through your words and actions and is very powerful for creating bonds with others.
Come Up With Your Own Sayings
Come up with your own quirky and original sayings. People will take notice and it may even catch on. By coming up with your own original sayings you stand out from everyone else who just uses clichés.
Leave Others Better Than You Found Them
Make it a habit to leave people in a better state then you found them. Happier, healthier, stronger, wealthier. This is a major way of being remarkable.
Help People Without Wanting Anything In Return
Volunteer to help other people out. Give some of your time, money or resources to help a fellow human being and expect absolutely nothing in return.
Don’t Try To Be Perfect
Be creative and abstract instead of trying to live up to other people’s expectation of perfect. You can achieve great and beautiful things without them living up to the general consensus of perfect.
Face Your Fears
People who avoid things because they are scared will never be remarkable. Face your fears and conquer them. Do you think Lance Armstrong would have been remarkable if he had given up cycling after he had cancer?
Take The Plunge
Be that person who does what others won’t do. If others are too scared to attempt something that you are not scared to do, just go out and do it with all your passion and energy.
Question The Norm
Just because something is done by millions of people around the world in a certain way does not mean it is the right or the only way to do something. Question the norm and don’t be afraid to do something differently.
Expose Yourself
Get up on stage or in front of people. Risk putting your ideas and creativity out in public, available for criticism and humiliation. What if Jay Z would have been to scared to perform in public and kept all his talent and art to himself in his basement?
Start Your Own Tribe
Be a leader instead of a follower. Build up a community or tribe of like minded people who will follow you and use your power to make a difference for the better in this world.
Say NO To Things
If something goes against your principles or you don’t really want it, say NO. You might risk offending some people, but most will respect you for having strong boundaries and sticking to them.
You Are Enough
Have the mindset that you have all the assets to be remarkable. You have talent and you have a gift. Share it with the world.
Be Optimistic
Optimism and smiles are contagious. Make the world a happy and positive place.
Be confident
Know what you want and be confident that you are going to get it. I think that all remarkable people share the trait of confidence.
Be Humble
Arrogance and vanity are not traits to associate with people you respect and think highly of. No matter how good, famous or wealthy you are, stay humble with both feet on the ground.
Create something that brings joy to other peoples lives
Art, a painting, a video clip, a film, a song, a poem, a book and so on and so forth. Be artistic and express your talent in a form that it can be shared with everyone without the expectation of getting rich from it. It’s your gift to the world.
Invent something that everyone needs
The disposable razor or a cigarette lighter for example. There could be one little thing that seems so simple yet will make the lives of millions of people so much easier.
Take something that works and make it better
The Japanese are pretty good at this. They took a normal train and change it into the fastest train in the world (bullet train). Take a normal and existing concept and make an exceptional change to it.
Start a movement
People look for a leader, someone who takes charge and takes initiative. Someone who has good intentions and wants to make a big change for the better. Be that leader and start a movement to change something that is not right in this world.
Fight for peace and freedom
All around the world there is so much unnecessary war and suffering. It seems impossible for one person to make a difference, but if everyone thinks like that, things will never change. Stop a war or change violent policies of a country and you will be remarkable.
Preserve our planet
Rainforests are being destroyed, species wiped out, oceans overfished and beautiful ecosystems perish. Make a difference and start a movement to do something about the destruction of our planet.
Help the hungry
There are so many people dying of hunger all around the world every single day. Do something to make a lasting difference. One idea I had was to get every person travelling on a plane to forfeit their meal for the hungry. A combined effort by all passengers would result in thousands of meals a day that could be given to hungry people all across the world.
Push the limits (break a record)
If you can do something that nobody else has been able to achieve, then you will not only get noticed but you will certainly be remarkable. You may just be the psychological inspiration for many others to get past the level that was always thought of as unbreakable.
Revolutionize an industry
Waltz into an industry or niche with a great idea or new perspective and put that idea in motion. If you can improve or revolutionize the way an entire industry does something then you are pretty remarkable.
Tell Compelling Stories
Stories are an amazing way to share knowledge and experiences with others. If you know how to create compelling and fun stories, you can make a big impact on the lives of others. That’s remarkable.
Think Better
Be a step ahead of everyone else. Think faster, better or more efficiently.
Read More Interesting Things
The more you read, the more you shape your personality. The more interesting things that you read, the more likely you are to become an interesting (and remarkable) person.
Don’t Be Boring
One requirement of being remarkable is that you are not boring. Be original, fun and get things done.
Stop Making Excuses
Either do something or don’t do it at all. Don’t be someone who always has excuses to stall doing something or justify why you didn’t do something.
Never Settle For Average
Never be content with average or mediocrity. When other people give up and settle, carry on going and be better than them.
Do What You Say
If people can rely on you and they know that when you say something that you will do it, you are well on your way to being remarkable. If you make a promise, keep it.
Don’t Aim To Be Remarkable
As contradictory as it sounds, most remarkable people never set out to be remarkable. They did what they loved and were really passionate and that is what got them to being remarkable.