One of the greatest activities to be involved in, is Gardening! Or if you are really a devotee farming!
It revives the soul, makes one realize the basics of life and allows you to connect with a higher power.
While in the garden you not only see the beauty of nature, visit with all sorts or creatures but you get dirty and feel so good about it. The smells, tastes, textures of all you are around is invigorating and reminds you of what is really important and the cycle of life.
Don't pass up taking care of the earth and providing for the growth of something in what ever degree or fashion you can. Containers, strips around your condo, house or a section of your property. To tend the land, reap from it and share your labor whether it be edibles or flowers is such a gift.
Plant those seeds, tend the soil and spend time watching nature take root and develope into some of the most incredible creations.
Don't waste time thinking about it, the rains will soon be here and thats the best start to a gardens life.
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