Been hearing, for years now, that we are back to a "Normal" Real Estate market and then look in the rear view mirror to see ~~~ not so much!
I, like many in my profession, have been reading the standard sources we have been led to believe are the trades' banner information pulse points. But you have to dig deeper, keep your ears to the ground because, yes, in this business, it's all about the dirt and what is fertilizing it!!
Watching what the Wall St. Real Estate Sydicators are doing, is far more important than the publications that tell you what has happened, well after they have closed deals on billions of $$$$$ of foreclosed homes.
These are the Bailout Babies, the Investment Bankers' "Devices", to capitalize on the forclosure debacle.
To see if the market will stabalizes for the general population here's the fertilizer.
When you see Blackstone, Coloney, Oaktree and their ilk pausing their purchasing in areas, thats when the prices have risen out of the investor/profit margin. The choice foreclosures have been snapped up.
They with the deep pockets, that only pay attention to the dollars, not the dahlias that have been nurtured in the landscaping or the measurement markings on the kitchen wall.
"They" are moving on to greener pastures where their bulk buying power can turn a market on a dime.
The average "Joe" will have a chance to own but the price has already started creeping up. If you are looking for the longterm, it's time to live the dream, dive in, otherwise you will really loose out.
Set YOUR roots, make your memories, put holes in the walls for YOUR pictures.
When will the Real Estate World stabalize? When you become and Owner and not a renter!
When you chose to make the commitment for the biggest purchase of your life, in a realistic way.
Don't know how, call me, I have guided many in happy home ownership.
So many factors to keep track of for specific areas. Remember Real Estate is Local!
What is affecting Des Moins, is different for Seattle and you have to know the driving forces.
If tracking this info is not a part of your work world, you want to get the most out of your investment and live the life you want to love, call me THIS is what I do for a living and I specialize in several areas of California. The places I have spent years enjoying my life in and sharing those secret hidden places.

Marlene Henderson, Broker/Owner
MoeBEST-Henderson Properties
and Property Management
831-419-9091 Cell
MoeBEST-Henderson Properties and Property Management"
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