Eh, Maybe not!
Yes, prices have declined - but weren’t they over inflated in the first place, rising at unbelievable leaps and bounds since the mid 90’s??
The unfortunate manipulation of the banking laws, the interaction between commercial banks and investments houses and the blind eye by Congress instead of oversight and protection of Americas’ financial interests at home and abroad set the stage. Greed and excess has run it’s course like a juggernaut, inflicting indiscriminate destruction. Many, many people have lost homes, most that didn’t qualify for home ownership in the first place and some are those that are the unfortunate victims of job loss or cutbacks because of the economy and the myriad of life changes that have a financial impact.
Yes, there is a shake-out going on, a blood letting for some and a rude awakening for those that were riding high on someone else’s dime. None of it FAIR!
But there are tremendous opportunities going on as long as one is qualified. Prices have been reduced dramatically, if it is a distressed property, and the supply is plentiful.! Interest rates are at historic lows so this actually is a tremendous time to buy Real Estate, if you qualify for loans or have that magical item - CASH. Amazing how many investors do!!
Look around my website - there are so many Deals to be had both in Santa Cruz and my beloved Lake Tahoe.
Here is a property that is absolute GOLD, don't miss it.
Yes, prices have declined - but weren’t they over inflated in the first place, rising at unbelievable leaps and bounds since the mid 90’s??
The unfortunate manipulation of the banking laws, the interaction between commercial banks and investments houses and the blind eye by Congress instead of oversight and protection of Americas’ financial interests at home and abroad set the stage. Greed and excess has run it’s course like a juggernaut, inflicting indiscriminate destruction. Many, many people have lost homes, most that didn’t qualify for home ownership in the first place and some are those that are the unfortunate victims of job loss or cutbacks because of the economy and the myriad of life changes that have a financial impact.
Yes, there is a shake-out going on, a blood letting for some and a rude awakening for those that were riding high on someone else’s dime. None of it FAIR!
But there are tremendous opportunities going on as long as one is qualified. Prices have been reduced dramatically, if it is a distressed property, and the supply is plentiful.! Interest rates are at historic lows so this actually is a tremendous time to buy Real Estate, if you qualify for loans or have that magical item - CASH. Amazing how many investors do!!
Look around my website - there are so many Deals to be had both in Santa Cruz and my beloved Lake Tahoe.
Here is a property that is absolute GOLD, don't miss it.
Call me, I'd love to help you live the life you love!
Marlene Henderson
MoeBEST-Henderson Properties
and Property Management
00599374 Ca/ 002598 Nv
831-429-9091 Office
831-419-9091 Mobile
775-588-3325 Nevada
MoeBEST-Henderson Properties
and Property Management
00599374 Ca/ 002598 Nv
831-429-9091 Office
831-419-9091 Mobile
775-588-3325 Nevada
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