Yes, The Real Estate business isn't for Sissy's ~~ never has been, never will be.
The main focus in this biz should always be protecting your client.
Investigating, disclosing, and remedying concerns.
Every property has issues and needs maintenance, to what degree this has been performed and to what degree of acceptance, is always the question and the source of contention.
That being said, we move on to the current dynamics of the biz, that has reached a feverish pace as of late ( the last 18 months).
With the pent-up desire of both buyers and sellers, the hype by the media and resultant wildfire conversations of the Real Estate minded, we are back in the 2002-06 era "Action".
Multiple offers, bidding wars, accusations, fevered searches, wire transfers, international clients, jubilation, disappointment, phewww . . . . I'm worn out just writing this.
Again, $$$$, profit, cap rates, equity, winning the bidding wars, coming out on top, takes preeminence. STOP!!
Do it right ~~ focus, focus, focus!
What is YOUR job?? Who are you working for??
Get those inspections, disclosures and READ THEM.
Just had to scream that!
Yes, I have been scampering around in this melee and yes, opening those escrows with trumpets blaring, while not be blinded by the 'Game'.A big change, is the electronic paperwork flying around, so-o-o-o ~~ being tech savvy, has pushed the edges and caused this whole biz to escalate and for me, created an ease of doing business and making it seamless and efficient.
But the real crux is the tenor, the frenzy. Slow down, remember what your role is and don't "JUST DO IT" ~~ DO IT RIGHT!
Looking for that Professional? With years of experience? Great reputation?
Yes, I'm just a text, e-mail or phone call away!
. . . . and Happy to get you where you want to be.

Office - 831-429-9091
Cell - 831-419-9091

Office - 831-429-9091
Cell - 831-419-9091