Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Facebook IPO and the phenomenon on San Francisco Bay Area Real Estate

With the  Facebook IPO just days away, I don’t   doubt this will pull the San Francisco Bay Area Real Estate market out of the doldrums.  Sure, we are experiencing a lot of sales, but these are a greater percentage of “Shorts” and” REO’s fuel by international moneied investors.  The Facebook IPO will not just effect the direct employee/shareholders,   turning  them into overnight  millionaires but so many ancillary offshoots.   We will start seeing more normal sales and the easing of pressure from the average homeowner just wanting to make a change, than so many sales because of home devalue and loss.  
$5 Billion (Yes with a B) is the projected figure, the resounding   effect can only be positive.

Facebook’s creation and phenomenal engagement with the world in such a short time has been breathtaking.  No matter what you might think of Facebook’s founders ethics – Mark Zuckerberg’s continual refinements and resultant creation has been a life changer and mostly for the positive.

The San Francisco Bay Area Real Estate market and I am including Santa Cruz and Monterey in this since Santa Cruz and Monterey Beaches are the weekend get-a-way and vacation destinations for the SF crowd.  There is no better, to de-stress and enjoy the gorgeous sunsets, mild temperatures and gentle summer breezes, without the 12 hours of travel time door- to-door.
Many will have the choice of, A Stately Urban enclave, A Private Exec Perch (with ALL the bells and whistles), the Trip in the Sand Beachhouse,   to the  High Tech, Jaw Dropping   Sand Pad!   or you can go a little crazy!!

The Facebook IPO is the Boost we need, the trickledown to our communities will be immense  ---  Three Cheers for FACEBOOK!

Marlene Henderson, Broker/Owner
MoeBEST-Henderson Properties and Property Management

“When only the BEST will do . . . . . .
                        MoeBEST-Henderson Properties and Property Management”

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Housing Market and The Next Real Estate Bubble

Well, I hate to say it but, the housing market is continuing to struggle and,   I told you so!  The second housing bubble looks like it is on the way and we haven't  come out of the first one.  The Real Estate Bubble from 2005 to the present,  has devastated so many lives.
With all the talk and money thrown around, politicians puffing about all they are doing to fix the problem.  Programs created but no one knows how to implement them.  Bureaucracies create with new Federal/State employees and lots more regulations will fix it  ----  Really??
FHA is just exacerbating and extending the problem.  To be offering 3% down loans in a still declining market is insane.  Just more Gov. interference and the beat goes on.
People need homes for their families stability, our country needs the stability and for families to set their 'Roots'.  It is an absolute 'Win-Win' for all, for this disaster to end.
There are areas that are doing better and in fact very little has been affected in housing prices in several areas around the country.
Santa Cruz has always had a strong draw and the housing market will rebound, the beach, the fantastic weather, is a magnet.
Invest wisely and look at the long term!  Don't let the monthly 'stats' or predictions drive your decision about your home and life.  If you really read the charts/article, there is a lot of contradicting info.   
Realize setting "Your Roots' is more important than market value of the moment.  Chasing the dollar, will never out weigh stability in your home.
This is still the best time to by, low interest rates, low prices, motivated sellers.  You, the buyer, are still in the drivers seat.

Call me,  I will be happy to guide you to the right decisions.

Marlene Henderson, Owner/Broker
MoeBEST-Henderson Properties and
Property Management

831-429-9091 Office
831-419-9091 Cell

"When only the BEST will do . . . . . .
         MoeBEST-Henderson Properties and Property Management"