How soon we forget our own major disaster of 1989, the Loma Prieta Earthquake. It change and ended lives, was a major pause in the San Francisco Bay area and our own Monterey Bay. Nary a mention in our local newspaper - amazing! But we did get a suttle reminder Oct. 20, just last week. Just keep'in us on our toes!
Even when life is going great, it's wise to make sure you have you and your families safety planned for. A few tips follow, for all of us to have at the ready when disaster of this type strikes.
Start with a plan for any disaster. Keep your Disaster Preparedness Management Plan up-to-date, get into the right habits and disasters turn into an exercise in confidence and control of your life, helping and teaching those around you personal responsibility and care.
Once you determine you and yours are OK, see what you can do to help others including our four legged friends.
The times, they are a change'in make them for the better.
Marlene Henderson, Broker/Owner
Moebest-Henderson Properties and Property Management
We always think of more that just selling homes!